Friday, September 19, 2008

Movie Review: Wind and Angels

The Wind That Shakes the Barley

Since it's been a long time since I watched this movie, I'm afraid I can give a proper review of the movie. Perhaps need I say more than Ken Loach?! The mention that Ken Loach is the director of this excellent movie should be enough to get most anyone looking for the movie. For this review I will defer merely to the IMDB movie description:

Ireland, 1920. Damien and Teddy are brothers. But while the latter is already the leader of a guerrilla squad fighting for the independence of his motherland, Damien, a medical graduate of University College, would rather further his training at the London hospital where he has found a place. However, shortly before his departure, he happens to witness atrocities committed by the ferocious Black and Tans and finally decides to join the resistance group led by Teddy. The two brothers fight side by side until a truce is signed. But peace is short-lived and when one faction of the freedom-fighters accepts a treaty with the British that is regarded as unfair by the other faction, a civil war ensues, pitting Irishmen against Irishmen, brothers against brothers, Teddy against Damien....

Iron Jawed Angels

This movie I just watched on the advice of some women on an atheist newsgroup. But don't let that set the tone of the movie as this film is about the struggle for women's suffrage at the turn of the 20th century.
As the person who pointed out this movie stated, one should watch it as a reminder of the individuals, who have fought for the rights we enjoy today. The suffragists faced not only ridicule from fellow women, but jeering and sometimes violent crowds, as well as jail. The right for women to vote was not granted by some noble gesture of Congress or Woodrow Wilson, but by the vigilant struggle of women who were willing to risk everything, even during a time of war, for not just their own dignity, but also for that of their country. 
My only criticism would be the use of contemporary pop and hip-hop in such a historic movie. Although this may be my own flaw, I would have preferred music of the period (whether contemporary or not). Particularly moving is when the suffragists sing a folk tune while in jail.

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