Monday, June 27, 2011

ACSS Newsletter: Mac Updates and Lion Prep

Most Mac users are surely aware that in July the latest version of OS X will be released. This will be the first time Apple releases an operating system update as a download. And at a price of only $29.99, it's a steal!

In preparation for Lion's debute Apple just recently released an update for Snow Leopard, which will prep your system for Lion. Since this update also includes some other fixes for Snow Leopard, you should apply the update regardless of whether you plan to upgrade to Lion or not. 

Prior to upgrading to Lion, however, there an important consideration everyone should take. Under Lion those apps that required Rosetta will no longer work. In order to figure out which apps will not work after upgrading to Lion go to the link provided below and read the instructions for identifying those apps that will not work. This will help you better determine whether to upgrade or not.

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