Saturday, December 22, 2007

Firefox search tips

Firefox Users

A while back I passed a tip on to everyone about how to do various Google searches. One such tip was on how to search for a topic on a specific website.

Let's say you are interested in articles on "nutrition" in US News and World Report magazine. You could go to US New's website and do a search there. Another option is to type in the Google search prompt: "nutrition"

(The full newsletter on Google search tips, by the way, is available at:

Well, there's a way to create shortcut for doing the same search through Firefox. You would only want to set this up only for those sites that you do searches on often. 
In this case, I'm going to choose Wikipedia.

Open Firefox and go to
Now right click on the search panel for Wikipedia and choose "Add a Keyword for this Search...."
A dialog box will pop up. Enter a name for the site (I entered "Wikipedia"), then enter for the keyword something that will be easy for you. I chose "wiki".

From now on instead of typing in the address bar, I can just type wiki and then my keyword search. So for example, if I want to do a search on airplanes. I just type "wiki airplanes" (without the quotes) in the address bar and voila! wikipedia pops up with the results. Or I could type "wiki Emily Dickinsen" and there's the Wikipedia entry on Emily.

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