Thursday, November 15, 2007

Apple Users

Apple Users

Yes, it's that rare newsletter just for Apple Users.

I have updated to the latest version of OS X (Leopard) and would like to provide you with a few pieces of advise if you are planning to upgrade or have bought a new system with Leopard.

I highly advise that you go to Apple's website and view the guided tour. It will give you a good introduction to the new capabilities.
You can go directly to the Guided Tour at:

Once you're running Leopard you will notice that the launchers for Applications, Downloads (and whatever else you put on the launch bar) show the first application in that folder. Many users have found this quite annoying. The solution is to create an alias for the folder with an "@" in front so that it's the first item in the folder.

If you want to preview multiple items in Finder, one option is to select them and then click on the SpaceBar.

Another cool feature is that you can now scroll in windows that are not in the forefront. 

I have edited OSX Tips at the ACSS website to include some of additional features. You can view it at:
(NB. That all squares are actually the Apple key "". Unfortunately, that symbol doesn't translate over to the webpage correctly.)

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