Friday, June 15, 2007

ACSS Newsletter - Google search tips

Here are some very interesting tips for customizing searches through Google. 

Tip #1:
Let's say you are interested in articles on "nutrition" in US News and World Report magazine. Now you could go to US New's website and do a search there. Another option is to just type in the Google search prompt: "nutrition"

Whereas some sites don't use www at the beginning, you can leave the www out. For example try: "nutrition"

Let's say you want to search government sites for licensing information. You could actually just type the following search: "licensing"

Tip #2:
What is the definition of "oxymoron"? Let's see, where is Webster online..... But no, again you could type in the Google query:


Tip #3:
Final tip. This is something I run across fairly often. Hm, someone just sent me a file with the extension .wpf. But I can't open it. What kind of file is that? What will open it?
Again, just type in your Google query:


Oh, so it's a Word Perfect file!

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