Saturday, March 1, 2003

Long Live the 5th International

I have come to the conviction that President-Select Bush is, in fact, a leftist. Serious! And there can be no denying it, for in all my 20-odd years of activism I have never known anyone to do as good a job at recruiting people to take to the streets then George W. Bush. Furthermore, he has managed to galvanize not just Americans, but people across the globe to unite in a common struggle against a commonly-recognized enemy. I think it is time we inaugurate the 5th International and proclaim the Dubya as it's presiding leader.

Arguably, if this were the only criteria, then maybe Nixon should have also been regarded as a leading leftist. But Nixon was hardly as adept as Bush. Bush has managed to bring masses out on the streets, to call and mail representatives, to engage in political activity on a nearly unprecedented scale prior to acting! He's a genius!

The Shrub has not just managed to bring people to the streets, but to fight for their rights, fight against poverty, fight for union representation, fight for justice, equality.... why he has made true American revolutionaries out of the many. And it doesn't stop here.

How many years have I spent over and over trying to convince people about the non-objectivity of the press. Now, conversations start by on notes about the fact that some foreign new source stated this or that, which was never reported here in the US. People are realized just how biased the news can be. People are finally beginning to question authority.

It is time to inaugurate the Fifth International with George W. Bush as the acting General Security! Long live the new movement!!!

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