Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Richard A. Gephardt
Democratic Leader
430 South Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Dear Mr. Gephardt and DCCC,
Being neither a Republican nor Democrat, but a revolutionary socialist, I will take this opportunity to reply to your letter and the survey.
The letter itself is highly questionable coming from a party that whose values and ideas, especially of late, have little to do with democracy, equality or freedom. The survey is ludicrous. Whereas it is incredibly restrictive and offers little opportunity for expressing alternative opinions, there is no way it could help prepare the Democratic Party for winning (I assume that's what you want) the upcoming mid-term elections. But then, the last thing the Democratic Party (much less the Republicans) would want to reflect is the opinions of the majority of American citizens.
Suffice to say, if you haven't already thrown this letter away -- or perhaps they are thrown away forthwith, as all you are really interested in is an enclosed check -- then I wish to state that as a member of the IWW and Labor Party, the last thing I want to see is another ''representative'' of the wealthy class screwing over the working people. Those in positions of power know damn well whose interest they serve. My appologies to those members of either of the two major parties, who still believe otherwise. I would encourage you to look to alternatives.
If the Democratic Party was truly intersted in overcoming terrorism, then look to your policies first and foremost. Otherwise, stop lying. Get the hell out of Afganistan, stop subsidising Columbian death squads and the Israeli state. Condemn Bush for the arrogance of naming Iraq, North Korea, China, etc. Axes of Evil, and instead profer assistance. Bring an end to corporate domination of nation-states through the WTO, NAFTA (FTAA), IMF and World Bank. Show some remote interst in democracy!
Herein you will find your survey and the flag of corporate wealth. Perhaps you should consider taking the design and changing all US flags in accordance. At least, this way you would be a little more honest. Perhaps I might even start respecting you. Well, you could hope....
As I stated in a letter to President-Select Bush (for whose selection and idolization the Democrats are just as much responsible), but to which letter he has failed to respond, I rescind my citizenship to the United States of America and all rights and obligations accorded thereto. In their stead I take upon myself all rights and obligations as a human to fight for the rights and liberaties of all people, all nations.
Curtis Vaughan
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