Monday, January 28, 2002

Baseball and Unions

Maybe this is a little paranoid, but I really think that the right-wing propaganda machine went into full gear at the end of August with respect to the potential baseball strike. What a great opportunity to besmirch unions when people are enraged over a possible disruption in America's favorite pastime. Worse, there were likely many union members among those who were throwing garbage onto baseball fields prior to the potential strike day.

Here in the Seattle Area this came at a time of potential strike activity on three other fronts: a strike vote by Boeing machinists and school teachers, and the potential for an ILWU strike. For the left and for unionists, this was a great opportunity to show solidarity. Imagine machinists, teachers and even baseball players marching together to the docks to support the longshore workers!

Unfortunately, the great opportunity was seized upon by the right and the media, while the left let it slip past.

Let's get something clear. Part of the reason why baseball players make so much is because they have organized into a union. In fact, this alone should act as an example to the working people of the world as to what organizing and being a union member can do for you as an individual and collectively. Despite some of the negative aspects of the negotiated baseball contract, imagine, if you would, that the base salary in your industry was $200,000 annually and that no plant, office, etc. would be closed for the next four years. These are the type of demands workers should be making in all industries.

All union members know that without solidarity we are doomed. The owners of business will use every opportunity to divide us and keep us divided and, thereby, better conquer us. As for me, I say, next time, if the baseball players don't like their contract then strike, and I for one will support them. And given our support, and not our rant, then perhaps when it comes our turn to strike, well, wouldn't it be great to have your local baseball team come out and support you!

An injury to one is an injury to all.

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