Monday, July 9, 2007

ACSS Newsletter - Windows Updates

Windows Users

Tomorrow, July 10, is Patch Tuesday, which means updating your Windows applications.

Critical updates will be released for Office. There are "important" updates for Office 2003 and 2007, as well as for Windows XP.

Most of you probably use automatic updates, so don't be surprised if your computer asks you to reboot in order to apply the updates. You may wish to visit Microsoft Updates if you are not certain whether you are getting the updates.

Microsoft Updates:

If you use Microsoft Office you may wish to visit the Office website to make sure you have all Office-related updates.

Microsoft Office website:

Beware of 2 viruses

This newsletter is about 2 recent viruses, which may be seem appealing.

Perhaps in expectation of Tuesday's Windows updates, one such virus will come in an email telling Windows user to install a Microsoft Security Patch. Specifically, the message will tell you to download Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-0065. Don't do it! Else, you will open yourself up to a hacker.
(More information about this virus may be read at:

The second virus will come in the form of an invitation, perhaps even from an acquaintance, to watch an animated video called "Yes & No". This video, which was published on the internet by Bozzetto in 2001, is a humorous video about how obeying the rules of the road does not always make sense. Although the idea behind the video is legit, going to a malicious website to view the video may result in your computer being infected by a virus that will in turn download further viruses.
(More information about this virus may be read at:

Both viruses are Windows-based.

NextDNS to hinder snooping

We have all had the experience of having an interest in some item, let's say a ladder, then opening up a browser and seeing ads for ladd...